Personal Tax Services
At Kerr Financial, our clients can benefit from our comprehensive personal income tax services to ensure you’re always ahead of tax obligations and opportunities. We provide ongoing tax consultation and expert preparation of Canadian tax returns through Kerr Financial Consultants Inc (KFC) in Quebec and Kerr Professional Corporation (KFP) in Ontario as well as coordinating U.S. tax returns through professional partners, tailored to meet the specific needs of cross-border filers, snowbirds, and those with foreign assets.
From year-end tax planning, to tracking notices of assessment, communicating with government agencies and managing instalments, we handle all aspects of your personal tax planning and compliance, so you can focus on your financial goals with confidence.
Personal Tax Services
Personal Tax Services
At Kerr Financial, our clients can benefit from our comprehensive personal income tax services to ensure you’re always ahead of tax obligations and opportunities. We provide ongoing tax consultation and expert preparation of Canadian tax returns through Kerr Financial Consultants Inc (KFC) in Quebec and Kerr Professional Corporation (KFP) in Ontario as well as coordinating U.S. tax returns through professional partners, tailored to meet the specific needs of cross-border filers, snowbirds, and those with foreign assets.
From year-end tax planning, to tracking notices of assessment, communicating with government agencies and managing instalments, we handle all aspects of your personal tax planning and compliance, so you can focus on your financial goals with confidence.
Personal Income Tax Planning and Tax Return Preparation
Our personal income tax planning and preparation service is all-inclusive. We provide ongoing tax consultation services throughout the year to advise and update you on the latest in tax legislation and opportunities, as well as annual tax return preparation, including:
- 1Year-end tax planning, to ensure all benefits due are maximized prior to year-end. This service includes preparing tax estimates early in the year so you can act on them.
- 2Expert Canadian tax return preparation and coordination of US tax returns for US citizens or green card holders living in Canada and Canadians with some employment or business interests in the United States.
- 3Preparation of required foreign asset reporting and closer connection filings for Canadians with US situs assets, Canadian snowbirds and US tax filers with Canadian assets or corporate entities.
- 4Follow-up services, including communication with government tax departments on your behalf as needed, tracking of notices of assessment, and monitoring and optimization of carry forward balances.
- 5Estimating and managing quarterly instalments.
* Ontario accounting and tax client services are prepared by Kerr Financial Professional Corporation